Publishing magazine APP on Third Market

If you have created an APK file with Android magazine app maker, you must want to know how to publish it on Market. Now we come to solve this problem and take Android Market for example.

Android Market is a hosted service that makes it easy for users to find and download Android applications to their Android-powered devices, and makes it easy for developers to publish their applications to Android users.

To publish your application on Android Market, you first need to register with the service using your Google account and agree to the terms of service. Once you are registered, you can upload your application to the service whenever you want, as many times as you want, and then publish it when you are ready. Once published, users can see your application, download it, and rate it using the Market application installed on their Android-powered devices.

To register as an Android Market developer and get started with publishing, visit the Android Market: .
If you plan to publish your application on Android Market, you must make sure that it meets the requirements listed below, which are enforced by the Market server when you upload the application.

If you encounter the problem of "zip-align" , don't worry about that. It won't affect your uploading the magazine app on market, but if you desire pursue perfect, you can first download Android SDK and then set Android SDK root path to remove the error "zipalign" .

Click "Build --> Set Android SDK root Path" on the top menu line of Android magazine app maker. Don't forget to re-build the current magazine app so that it become valid.

set Android SDK root path

Note: There are many third market such as Amazon. You could market the magazine APP on those market like Google Market.

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