Create home page:

1 Click icon "New page " to add new empty page and set it as home page.

eBook basic information

2 Set parameter for resolution, for example 1280x720.

3 Add background: use color or image.

book icon

4 Choose showcase page layout. There are different layouts to choose as below image.

showcase layout

5 Add accessories and define properties.

(1) Add line: Set line width and color.

(2) Add rect: Set border width and color, set background color.

(3) Add ellipse: Set border width and color, set background color.

(4) Add text: Write text and set font type, size, color, etc.

(5) Add image: Select image file and set link to internal page.

(6) Add image list: Add images and define margins (padding).

(7) Add link: Link to other pages or a web link. You can add link for each insert image to link to the child pages. For example, add a link to image1, and link to page 2, then you can go to page 2 by touching image1.

showcase layout


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