Have you a plan to decorate your home bathroom and hadn’t any guide instruction manuals? If you feel interested in bathroom decorations, also you will become interested in Art in Bathroom. This manual Android apk
assist you build a comfortable and personalized bathroom. The detailed steps contain cement, tile, cutting, arrangement of wire, etc everything needed is ready. After guided by Art in Bathroom, you will become
an excellent fitter of home facilities. Simultaneously, your home will become more unique and tasted. If you are the person plan to decorate your bathroom, you need this guide installed in Android-powered devices to instruct
you step by step.
Please view below screenshots of Art in BathRoom which has been installed and ran in Android devices.
Also you can make the same flipping effect book/magazine, catalog, comic, etc APK file for Android. (You can walk the short cut by quick skipping to any page or cliking the catalog links)
1 Verical viewing the page of flipping manual, page thumbnails listed at the bottom, you can quick skip to any page by clicking its thumbnail icon.

2 The flipping effect.

3 Flip to another page, you can zoom the page in/out.

4 Click the screen center to open the fullscreen mode, samely you can flip much more like flipping a paper book.