
Does Android book app maker support Arabic, Urdo language right to left?

A: Android book app maker supports two common flipping direction modes: RTL (Right to Left) and LTR (Left to Right). For all I know Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hebrew, Yiddish, Syriac, Thaana, Dhivehi, some Africa people they are almost used to RTL (right to left). Like those ancient nations keep up old reading form which makes great contributions to our human being civilization and progress.

No matter which language do you plan to publish, don't worry about flipping directory RTL or LTR. Android book app maker provide default flipping direction is LTR, so if you need RTL, please read on.

We turn to the icon "Config" after create a new book. Then go ahead to the tab "Content". Obviously you should check the checkbox "Right to Left". Finally click "OK".

check right to left to make book app

After all actions about create new book and chapers, and basic settings, you can begin build book app.

Free download Android book app maker to try

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