
Hi, I'm using demo version. It's my first try to use AdMob in App. I biult an demo app. I tried install app to my phone and cklicked on few ads shown to me. But don't see any changes in statistics on my AdMob account. What's wrong? I would like to check how monetization works before buying your nice looking soft.

A: Admob displaying three preconditions:

1 It needs 3G network.

2 Everytime you flip page, it sends a requirment to Admob which can be search on Admob homepage (it isn't real-time, always you can find the statistic after several hours).

3 The requirement of Admob not all the time displays, so maybe alfter several flipping, it can come up. (Samely you can also find them after several hours on Admob website).


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